Beginners Welcome Sept.4th

Posted: August 25 2013, 6:29 pm

If you have been waiting patiently to join kendo, we are pleased to announce that our doors will be open to the public during the month of September.

On Wednesday September 4th at 7:30 pm the Manitoba Kendo Club would like to invite you to our orientation night at 180 McPhilips St located within the Manitoba Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (MJCCC).

The purpose of this evening is to introduce you to kendo, and ourselves to you. When you arrive at the MJCCC you will find ample parking and we ask you use the blue door located on the parking lot to enter the building. Inside you will find a room full of kendo practitioners that will happy to get you settled in.

The first portion of orientation covers our dojo and kendo with opportunities for you to ask questions you may have. The second portion of orientation covers a short tour of the facility and a viewing of a class in progress.

There is no physical requirement to start kendo, just motivation. Before you join us on September 4th, please take a few minutes to read the following…


Please forward all you pre-orientation questions to the web administrators on the contacts page of this web site.

The Manitoba Kendo Club welcomes you.